Welcome to Our Lady of Walsingham
Catholic Primary School
Our School Values
Respect, Safe & Kind
Read MoreKind words &
- "Pupils enjoy their time at Our Lady of Walsingham Primary School. They benefit from positive relationships with each other and with staff. Pupils said that they make lots of friends and that they feel safe and happy in school."
ofsted 2022 - "Pupils show a respect for themselves and others as made in the image and likeness of God. The behaviour of pupils is exemplary, they are polite and well-mannered. In proportion to their years, they show an ability to listen, to give thanks, to forgive and be forgiven. They are also quick to congratulate and celebrate each other’s achievements."
Archdiocese of Liverpool Section 48 Inspection, 2019 -
"Pupils enthusiastically embrace the demands that membership of a Catholic school, entails. They accept their responsibilities and as a result, they become for example; sports leaders, school and eco councillors and office helpers."
Archdiocese of Liverpool Section 48 Inspection, 2019 -
"All staff promote high standards of behaviour and are exemplary role models of mutual respect and forgiveness for pupils. They provide outstanding opportunities for the spiritual and moral development of all pupils."
Archdiocese of Liverpool Section 48 Inspection, 2019
Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Trust
Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Trust was established by the Archbishop of Liverpool to provide the very best Catholic education for the young people in our schools.
Enabling schools, aspiration and faith to flourish by ‘Uplifting Hearts, Inspiring Minds’.
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